How Long Should My Essay Be?

There is no minimum or maximum length.  However, we recommend no more than 500 words.

Do I Need to Provide Financial Information?

A key component for many of our scholarships is NEED.  To determine that component, we review the financial responsibility you and your parents/guardians are accepting for your education. So, being honest and upfront about this part of your application is important.

How Will You Determine If I Get A Scholarship?

The scholarship selection committee reviews all of the applications after we close the sign-up period. Many people are involved, each reviewing a part of your application.  Based on the review, each part of your application is scored.  At no time do we look at your name, address, or other personal information that would identify you directly. This makes the selection process totally anonymous and your selection will be based solely on your application.

For you to be considered for a scholarship, you must have selected that scholarship in your application. You are responsible for "matching" yourself to one or more scholarships that we are offering.

The Selection Committee will review all of the applications and determine our finalists within the next 60 days after the application period closes. The selected recipients will be notified at that time.

What Do I Need To Do If I Am Selected?

If you are selected to receive a scholarship, you must do the following:

  1. Log in to ChapterNet and Accept the Scholarship. This is a simple online process.
  2. Complete the Scholarship Agreement, which will be mailed to you at your home address right after your selection, and return the signed copy to us immediately.
  3. Provide a high resolution photo to us as soon as possible.
  4. Attend the Awards Ceremony which is held in June.


​If you cannot comply with any of the above requirements, SD4S may be required to pull the scholarship and assign it to another candidate. So it is important that you understand your obligations and complete these tasks accordingly.

How Are The Scholarships Paid?

SD4S will send a check directly to your educational institution. No monies are given to you directly.  You must provide a copy of your tuition bill for the upcoming semester to SD4S before a payment can be made.  You will be notified by SD4S to send us a copy of the tuition bill, but it is your responsibility to send it back to us. We will not submit a payment to your institution unless we receive this information from you.
Scholarships are only paid for any outstanding tuition. If you receive financial aid or other scholarships that result in no tuition charges due, your payment that semester will not be made; however, you can request in writing to Stamford Dollars for Scholars that said payment be deferred to a subsequent semester.